Tatabahasa Bahasa_Na'vi

Kata ganti nama diri

Kata ganti nama diri Na’vi encode clusivity. Iaitu, terdapat dua perkataan untuk "kita/kami" depending on whether the speaker is including his/her addressee or not. There are also special forms for "kami berdua" (with or without the addressee), "kami bertiga", dan sebagainya. They do not inflect for gender; although it is possible to distinguish "he" from "she", the distinction is optional.

Kata ganti nama dirisatuduatigabanyak
Pertama tidak termasukoemoepxoeayoe
Pertama termasukoengpxoengayoeng
Ketigapomefopxefoayfo, fo

The deferential forms of "I" and "you" are ohe and ngenga. Possessive forms termasuk ngeyä "kamu punya" dan peyä "dia punya". Kedua-dua jantina boleh dibezakan seperti berikut: poan (lelaki) and poé (perempuan).

Pronouns are declined for case as nouns (below) are.

Kata nama

Kata nama bahasa Na'vi show greater number distinctions than those in most human languages do: besides singular and plural, they not only have special dual forms for two of an item (mata, tangan, lovers, etc.), which are not uncommon in human language (English has a remnant in "both"), but also trial forms for three of an item, which on Earth are only found with kata ganti nama diri. Jantina juga kadang-kala (and optionally) marked.

The plural prefix is ay+, and the dual is me+. Both trigger lenition (indicated by the "+" signs rather than the hyphens that usually mark prefix boundaries). In nouns which undergo lenition, the plural prefix may be dropped, so the plural of tokx "body" is either aysokx or just sokx.

Kata nama jantan boleh dibezakan dengan imbuhan akhiran -an, dan untuk betina: -é, yang diberi stres. Tiada perkataan wujud untuk bahasa Inggeris "a" atau "the".

Nouns are declined for case in a tripartite system, which is rare among human languages. In a tripartite system, there are distinct forms for the object of a clause, as in "he kicks the ball"; the agent of a transitive clause which has such an object, as in "he kicks the ball"; and the subject of an klausa tidak transitif, which does not have an object, as in "he runs". An object is marked with the accusative suffix -ti, and an agent with the ergative suffix -l, while an intransitive subject has no case suffix. Contoh:

"Saya Melihat Kamu" (satu ucapan)[9]

The use of such case forms leaves the word order of Na’vi largely free.

There are two other cases, genitive in -yä, dative in -ru, as well as a topic marker -ri. The latter is used to introduce the topic of the clause, and is somewhat equivalent to (though much more common than) English "as for". It preempts the case of the noun: that is, when a noun is made topical, usually at the beginning of the clause, it takes the -ri suffix rather than the case suffix one would expect from its grammatical role. Contohnya, in,

"Hidung saya penuh (dengan baunya yang tidak menyenangkan),"

oleh kerana "saya" adalah topik, subjek "hidung" is associated with "me": That is, ia difahamkan sebagai "hidung saya". Note that "nose" itself is unmarked for case, as it's the subject of the intransitive verb "to be".

Besides case, the role of a noun in a clause may be indicated with adpositions. Any adposition may occur as either as a preposition before the noun, or as an enclitic after the noun, a greater degree of freedom than human languages allow. For example, "with you" may be either hu nga or ngahu. When used as enclitics, they are much like the numerous cases found in Bahasa Hungarian and Bahasa Finnish. When used as prepositions, more along the lines of what English does, certain of them trigger lenition. One of the leniting prepositions is mì "in", as in mì sokx "in the body". This may cause some ambiguity with short plurals: mì sokx could also be short for mì aysokx "in the bodies".[10]

The grammatical distinctions made by nouns are also made by pronouns.

Kata adjektif

Kata adjektif Na'vi tidak uninflected—iaitu, they do not agree with the kata nama yang diubah—dan mungkin berlaku sebelum atau selepas kata nama. Ianya dirupai dengan suku kata a, which is attached on the side closest to the noun. Contohnya, "sungai panjang" boleh di expressed sebagai,


or as,


The free word order holds for all attributives: Genitives (possessives) dan klausa relatif juga boleh can also either precede or follow the noun they modify. The latter especially allows for great freedom of expression.

The attributive affix a- is only used when an adjective modifies a noun. Predicative adjectives instead take the "be" verb lu:

"Sungai ini panjang"

Kata kerja

Kata kerja are conjugated for tense and aspect, but not for person. That is, they record distinctions like "I am, I was, I would", but not like "Saya adalah, kami adalah, dia adalah". Conjugation relies exclusively on imbuhan sisipan, sama seperti imbuhan akhiran tetapi dimasukkan ke dalam kata kerja. Contohnya, "buru", adalah taron, tetapi "diburu" adalah t‹ol›aron, dengan imbuhan sisipan ‹ol›.

Terdapat dua kedudukan untuk imbuhan sisipan: after the onset (optional consonant(s)) of the suku kata kedua terakhir, dan after the onset of the final syllable. Oleh kerana kebanyakan kata kerja Na’vi bersuku kata dua, imbuhan secara amnya diletak pada suku kata awal dan akhir. Untuk perkataan bersuku kata satu sperti lu "be", they both appear after the initial onset, keeping their relative order.

Kedudukan imbuhan sisipan pertama diambil untuk tense, aspek, perasaan atau kombinasinya; also appearing in this position are participle, reflexive, dan causative forms, the latter two of which may co-occur with a tense/aspect/mood infix by preceding it. Tenses are past, recent past, present (unmarked), future, and immediate future; aspects are perfective (completed or contained) and imperfective (ongoing or uncontained). The aspectual forms are not found in English but are somewhat like the distinction between 'having done' and 'was doing'.

taron [buru] "buru"t‹ìm›aron [buru‹rec›] "baru saja memburu"t‹ay›aron [buru‹fut›] "akan memburu"t‹er›aron [buru‹impv›] "sedang memburu"t‹ol›aron [buru‹pfv›] "telah memburu"t‹ì‹r›m›aron [buru‹rec‹impv››] "tadi sedang memburu"

Tense and aspect need not be marked when they can be understood by context or elsewhere in the sentence.

Kedudukan imbuhan sisipan kedua diambil sisipan yang mewakiliaffect (speaker attitude, whether positive or negative) and for evidentiality (uncertainty or indirect knowledge). Contohnya, ucapan dalam seksyen Kata Nama, Oel ngati kameie "Saya Melihat kamu", kata kerja kame "Lihat" is inflected positively as kam‹ei›e to indicate the pleasure the speaker has in meeting you. Dalam ayat berikut, Oeri ontu teya längu "Hidung saya penuh (dengan baunya)", tetapi, frasa teya lu "is full" is inflected pejoratively as teya l‹äng›u untuk menyatakan ketidaksukaan pecakap terhadap pengalaman tersebut. Contoh-contoh yang kedua-dua kedudukan imbuhan sisipannya diisi:

t‹ìrm›ar‹ei›on [buru‹rec.impv›‹laud›] "tadi sedang memburu (haha!)": The speaker is happy about it, whether due to success or just the pleasure of the huntt‹ay›ar‹äng›on [buru‹fut›‹pej›] "akan memburu (alahai!)": Pecakap anxious about ataupun bosan terhadap buruan itu


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