Rujukan Bahasa_Cewa

  1. Jouni Filip Maho, 2009. New Updated Guthrie List Online
  2. P. J. Kishindo, "Authority in Language: The Role of the Chichewa Board (1972-1995) in Prescription and Standardization of Chichewa" [Kewibawaan dalam Bahasa: Peranan Dewan Bahasa Cewa (1972-1995) dalam Preskripsi dan Piawaian Bahasa Cewa], Journal of Asian and African Studies, no. 62, ms. 261-283, 2001.
  3. Untuk istilah Cinianja banding Lehmann (1977). Kedua-dua istilah digunakan dalam rencana Zambia Daily Mail.
  4. Kiso (2012), m.s. 21.
  5. Marwick (1963)
  6. Newitt (1982).
  7. Marwick (1964).
  8. Marwick (1963), p.383.
  9. Rebman (1877), preface.
  10. Rebmann (1877) s.v. M'ombo.
  11. The UMCA in Malawi, p 126, James Tengatenga, 2010: "Two important pieces of work have been accomplished during these later years. First, the completion by Archdeacon Johnson of the Bible in Chinyanja, and secondly, the completed Chinyanja prayer book in 1908."
  12. Bible Society of Malawi newsletter, 24 February 2016.
  13. Watkins (1937), p. 7.
  14. Wade-Lewis (2005).
  15. Batteen (2005).