Tajuk Del_Rey_Manga

Del Rey memulai debutnya dalam April 2004 dengan empat manga judul:

They have since then licensed additional titles:

Garis Matang

pada awal Disember 2005 diumumkan [2] bahawa Del Rey Manga akan mula menerbitkan manga garis matang. Termasuk:

OEL titles

Del Rey juga menerbitkan yang judul Manga Asal Bahasa Inggeris seperti berikut :


At 2007's New York Anime Festival it was announced that Del Rey Manga would team up with Marvel Comics to produce manga versions of their titles, that would signal Marvel "whole-heatedly" moving into this area (previous attempts, like Marvel Mangaverse and X-Men: The Manga, having variable success).[3] Titles confirmed[4] [5] are: