Catatan Fremantle

  1. Templat:Census 2016 AUS
  2. Davidson, R., Davidson, D. (2010). Fighting for Fremantle. Fremantle, W.A: Fremantle Society. pp 11.
  3. "Fremantle A City". The West Australian. 4 June 1929. m/s. 17. Dicapai 2 May 2018 – melalui Trove (National Library of Australia). 
  4. Stewart, William (2009). "Fremantle, Sir Charles Howe (1800-1869)". Admirals of the World: A Biographical Dictionary, 1500 to the Present. Jefferson, NC: McFarland. m/s. 135. ISBN 9780786482887. Dicapai 31 December 2015. 
  5. Australians generally favour the pronunciation "FREE-mantle" over its English antecedent "Fre-MAN-tle". However, the stress commonly reverts to the second syllable in phonetic compounds such as 'North Fre-MAN-tle', 'South Fre-MAN-tle', etc. "Freo" is pronounced FREE-oh.