Rujukan Ibn_Abdul_Hakam

  • Ibn ʿAbd al-Ḥakam, Kitāb futuḥ misr wa akbārahā, edited and with English preface by Charles Torrey (English title The History of the Conquests of Egypt, North Africa, and Spain), Yale University Press, 1922.
  • Charles Torrey, "The Mohammedan Conquest of Egypt and North Africa in the years 643 to 705 A.D." Historical and Critical Contributions to Biblical Science vol 1, p. 280-330. Yale University Press, 1901. Translation with short preface. online
  • Robert Brunschvig, "Ibn 'Abdalh'akam et la conquête de l'Afrique du Nord par les Arabes." Annales de l'Institut d'Etudes Orientales, v. 6 (1942–44) 108-155. More accessibly reprinted in Al-Andalus, 40 (1975), pp. 129–179.
