Lagu Identiti,_Bendera_dan_jata_Kedah

"Allah Selamat Sultan Mahkota" (chorus)

Official anthem of Kedah (vokal)

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Allah Selamatkan Sultan Mahkota [1]
Bahasa Melayu [2][3]Tulisan JawiBahasa Inggeris

Allah selamat Sultan Mahkota, [2][3]

Berpanjangan usia diatas Takhta, [2][3]

Memelihara ugama Nabi kita, [2][3]

Negeri Kedah serata-rata. [2][3]

ﷲ سلامت سلطان مهکوتا
برڤنجڠن اوسيا دأتس تختا
ممليهارا اݢام نبي کيت
نݢري قدح سرات-رات

Allah save the Sultan crowned,
Longevity bestow upon his throne,
As he upholds our Prophet's faith,
In all corners of Kedah state.