T Korpus_opera

Louise Talma (1906-1996): The Alcestiad

Tan Dun (1957- ): The First Emperor, Marco Polo, Peony Pavilion, Tea

Sergei Taneyev (1856-1915): Oresteia

John Tavener (1944- ) Mary of Egypt

Deems Taylor (1885-1966): The King's Henchman, Peter Ibbetson

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893): Voyevoda, Undina, The Oprichnik, Cherevichki, Iolanta, The Maid of Orleans (Orleanskaya deva), Mazeppa, The Queen of Spades (Pique Dame) (Pikovaya dama), Eugene Onegin

Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767): Pimpinone

Ambroise Thomas (1811-1896): Hamlet, Mignon

Arthur Goring Thomas (1850-1892): Esmeralda

Virgil Thomson (1896-1989): Four Saints in Three Acts, Lord Byron, The Mother of Us All

Michael Tippett (1905-1998): The Ice Break, King Priam, The Knot Garden, The Midsummer Marriage, New Year, Robin Hood

Tommaso Traetta (1727-1779): Antigona, Armida, Ifigenia in Tauride, Ippolito ed Aricia, Le serve rivale, Sofonisha, I Tindaridi

Cornel Trailescu (1926- ): Bãlcescu, Love and Sacrifice (Dragoste şi jertfã), Puss in boots (Motanul Încaltat)

Mark-Anthony Turnage (1960- ): Greek, The Silver Tassie