Sumber Majlis_Firenze

Sumber utama
  • Gian Domenico Mansi (ed. ), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio editio nova vol. xxx–xxxi.
  • Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini, Pope Pius II, De rebus Basileae gestis (Fermo, 1803)
  • Monumenta Conciliorum generalium seculi xv., Scriptorum, vol. i., ii. dan iii. (Vienna, 1857–1895)
  • Sylvester Syropoulos, Mémoires, ed. dan trans. V. Laurent, Concilium Florentinum: Documenta et Scriptores 9 (Rom, 1971)
Sastera sekunder
  • Deno J. Geanakoplos, 'The Council of Florence (1438–9) and the Problem of Union between the Byzantine and Latin Churches', dalam Church History 24 (1955), 324–346 dan dicetak semula dalam DJ Geanakoplos, Constantinople and the West ( Madison, Wisconsin, 1989), hlm. 224–254
  • Sergey F. Dezhnyuk, "Council of Florence: The Unrealized Union", CreateSpace, 2017.
  • JCL Gieseler, Ecclesiastical History, vol. iv. hlm. 312ff (Eng. trans., Edinburgh, 1853).
  • Joseph Gill, The Council of Florence Cambridge, 1959.
  • Joseph Gill, Personaliti Majlis, Florence dan Esei lain, Oxford, 1964.
  • Johannes Haller ed., Concilium Basiliense, vol. i–v, Basel, 1896–1904.
  • Hefele, Conciliengeschichte, vol. vii., Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 1874.
  • Jonathan Harris, Akhir Byzantium, New Haven dan London, 2010.ISBN 978-0-300-11786-8ISBN 978-0-300-11786-8
  • Jonathan Harris, Emigres Yunani di Barat c. 1400–1520, Camberley, 1995, hlm. 72–84.
  • Johannes Helmrath, Das Basler Konzil; 1431–1449; Forschungsstand und Probleme, (Cologne, 1987).
  • Sebastian Kolditz, Johannes VIII. Palaiologos und das Konzil von Ferrara-Florenz (1438/39). 2 Vol., Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann Verlag 2013–2014,ISBN 978-3-7772-1319-4 .
  • Stuart M. McManus, 'Byzantines in the Florentine polis: Ideology, Statecraft and Ritual during the Council of Florence', Journal of the Oxford University History Society, 6 (Michaelmas 2008/Hilary 2009)"issue6(michaelmashilary2009) (jouhsinfo)". 2009-03-14. Dicapai pada 2010-01-18. 14-03-2009 . Dicapai 2010-01-18 .
  • Stavros Lazaris, "L'empereur Jean VIII Paléologue vu par Pisanello lors du concile de Ferrare – Florence", Byzantinische Forschungen, 29, 2007, hlm. 293–324
  • Donald M. Nicol, The Last Centuries of Byzantium, 1261–1453, ed. ke-2, Cambridge, 1993, ed. ke-2, hlm. 306–317, 339–368.
  • G. Perouse, Le Cardinal Louis Aleman, président du concile de Bâle, Paris, 1904.
  • O. Richter, Die Organization dan Geschäftsordnung des Basler Konziis, Leipzig, 1877.
  • Stefan Sudmann, Das Basler Konzil: Synodale Praxis zwischen Routine und Revolution, Frankfurt-am-Main 2005.ISBN 3-631-54266-6ISBN 3-631-54266-6"Peter Lang Verlagsgruppe". 2010-01-14. Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 2009-01-08. Dicapai pada 2010-01-18. 2010-01-14. Diarkib daripada yang asal pada 2009-01-08 . Dicapai 2010-01-18 .
  • Georgiou Frantzi, " Konstantinopel telah Jatuh. Chronicle of the Fall of Constantinoples ", transl.: Ioannis A. Melisseidis & Poulcheria Zavolea Melisseidou (1998/2004) – Ioannis A. Melisseidis ( Ioannes A. Melisseides ), " Sejarah Ringkas Peristiwa di Constantinople dalam tempoh 1440–1453 ", hlm. 105–119, suntingan ke-5, Athens 2004, Vergina Asimakopouli Bros, Bibliografi Kebangsaan Greek 1999/2004,ISBN 9607171918
  • Andrić, Stanko (2016). "Saint John Capistran and Despot George Branković: An Impossible Compromise". Byzantinoslavica. 74 (1–2): 202–227.



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