Rujukan Qasabah

  1. 1 2 Lehmann, Ingeborg; Henss, Rita (2012). Morocco Baedeker Guide. m/s. 214. KASBAH A mud-brick castle that serves as a residence for the local Berber tribe is called a kasbah or »tighremt« in Morocco. Some are private mansions, others are even whole fortified villages with many large and small buildings crowded on ...
  2. Rogerson, Barnaby (2000). Marrakesh, Fez, Rabat. m/s. 65. "as its purpose, for a kasbah should be the domain of a ruler, be he sultan, governor or just a tribal chieftain. Most of the ancient cities of Morocco retain a large portion of their outer walls, but the kasbah (the government citadel containing...
  3. Morocco – A Country Study Guide. International Business Publications. 2006. m/s. 229. Sultan Abdelmoumen transformed what was not much more than a Casbah and built a mosque and a palace here too.
  4. Mostyn, Trevor (1983). Saudi Arabia- A MEED Practical Guide (ed. ke-2). London: Middle East Economic Digest. m/s. 320.
  5. Asir. The New Encyclopædia Britannica (ed. ke-15). Micropedia. 1998. m/s. 635.
  6. Covington, Richard (2011). "Roads of Arabia". Saudi Aramco World. No. March/April 2011. Teks "pages 24-35" diendahkan (bantuan)
