Rujukan Siborg

  1. Carvalko, Joseph (2012). The Techno-human Shell-A Jump in the Evolutionary Gap. Sunbury Press. ISBN 978-1-62006-165-7.
  2. Cyborgs and Space, in Astronautics (September 1960), by Manfred E. Clynes and American scientist and researcher Nathan S. Kline.
  3. Manfred E. Clynes, and Nathan S. Kline, (1960) "Cyborgs and space," Astronautics, September, pp. 26–27 and 74–75; reprinted in Gray, Mentor, and Figueroa-Sarriera, eds., The Cyborg Handbook, New York: Routledge, 1995, pp. 29–34. (hardback: ISBN 0-415-90848-5; paperback: ISBN 0-415-90849-3)
  4. Zehr, E. Paul (2011). Inventing Iron Man: The Possibility of a Human Machine. Johns Hopkins University Press. m/s. 5. ISBN 978-1421402260.
  5. Vuillermet, Maryse (2004). Le Juez, Brigitte (penyunting). Les Mystères de Lyon. Clergés et cultures populaires (dalam bahasa Perancis). Université de Saint-Étienne. halaman 109–118. ISBN 978-2862723242. Dicapai pada 1 Mac 2016.
  6. Clute, Johne (12 Februari 2016). John Clute, David Langford, Peter Nicholls, and Graham Sleight (para penyunting). La Hire, Jean de. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Gollancz. Dicapai pada 1 Mac 2016.Selenggaraan CS1: menggunakan parameter editors (link)