Description Sisik_Mutiara

The characteristic feature of the pearlscale is its thick, domed scales with pearl-like appearance.[1][3] Its body is round and similar to a golf ball. The finnage may be long or short. Pearlscales can reach up to 8 inches long and grow up as large as oranges.[3] However, pearlscale fancy goldfish are prone to swimbladder disorders which affect the ability to maintain normal position in the water. This is attributed to the selective breeding process of fancy goldfish to achieve particular body forms, such as that of the pearlscale's. Selective breeding gradually resulted to the alteration of the appearance of the swimbladder.[1]It is also known as the Ping Pong Pearlscale.

The pearlscale standard is as follows:

  • Depth of body to be greater than 2/3 of body length
  • Scales to be domed
  • Dorsal fin to be single, all other fins to be paired.
  • Caudal fin to be divided and forked and held above the horizontal.
  • Extremities of fins to have a slightly rounded appearance.
  • Minimum length of body to be 5.5 cm (2¼ inches).

The fish should be bright and alert and displaying well developed domed scales all over the body area.The body should be short and rounded (not elongated). The caudal fin should be held high without signs of drooping and well divided. Quality fish will have high colour intensity extending into the fins.[4]

  • Ping Pong Pearlscale before wen and domed scales developed.
  • Pearlscale Goldfish in a hand.