Penggunaan Templat:Coord

{{coord|latitude|longitude|coordinate parameters|template parameters}}{{coord|dd|N/S|dd|E/W|coordinate parameters|template parameters}}{{coord|dd|mm|N/S|dd|mm|E/W|coordinate parameters|template parameters}}{{coord|dd|mm|ss|N/S|dd|mm|ss|E/W|coordinate parameters|template parameters}}

The hemisphere identifiers (N/S) and (E/W), if used, must be adjacent to the enclosing pipe "|" characters, and cannot be preceded or succeeded by spaces.

There are two kinds of parameters, all optional:

  • Coordinate parameters are parameters that {{Coord}} passes to the map server. These have the format parameter:value and are separated from each other by the underscore character ( _ ). The supported coordinate parameters are dim:, globe:, region:, scale:, source:, and type:. See coordinate parameters for details and examples.
  • Template parameters are parameters used by the {{Coord}} template. These have format parameter=value and are separated from each other by the pipe character ( | ). The supported template parameters are display=, format=, name=, and notes=.
  • display= can be one of the following:
  • display=inline – Display the coordinate inline (default)
  • display=title – Display the coordinate near the article title (replaces {{coor title dms}} family)
    • shortcut: display=t
  • display=inline,title – Display the coordinate both inline and at title (replaces {{coor at dms}} family)
    • shortcut: display=it
  • display=title,inline has the same effect as display=inline,title
Note: the title attribute indicates that the coordinates apply to the entire article, and not just one of (perhaps many) places mentioned in it — so it should only be omitted in the latter case.
  • format= can be used to force dec or dms coordinate display.
  • format=dec reformats the coordinates to decimal degrees format.
  • format=dms reformats the coordinates to degrees | minutes | seconds format.
  • name= can be used to annotate inline coordinates for display in map services such as the WikiMiniAtlas. If omitted, the article title (PAGENAME) is assumed.
Note: a name= parameter causes {{Coord}} to emit an hCard microformat using that name, even if used within an existing hCard. Do not use when the name is that of a person (e.g for a gravesite), as the generated hCard would be invalid. Also, do not use square brackets in names.
  • notes= specifies text to be displayed immediately following the coordinates. This is primarily intended for adding footnotes to title coordinates.


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