Sinopsis The_Gentle_Crackdown_II

Sejak ayahnya meninggal dunia, pegawai keselamatan pertanian CHAN SAI-MUI (Yumiko Cheng) ingin menjadi wanita yang boleh mempertahankan kampungnya. It is her sincerity that has won her respect from all villagers of the Leung Choi County. Sometimes she would get too enthusiastic and impulsive that she could bring about a lot of misunderstandings. Amusingly, she has mistaken the newly appointed agricultural official TSE WONG-SHEUNG (literal meaning "Thank you, Emperor") (Steven Ma) for a thief and the two of them have been bitter enemies ever since. To keep himself from any possible trouble, SHEUNG has been avoiding MUI intentionally.

For the benefit of his son's future, SHEUNG's father TSE CHONG-TIN (Ha Yu) has not only invited the intelligent TAI TSUNG-MAN (Wayne Lai) to be SHEUNG's assistant, but also found him four special bodyguards playfully named CHUK (Porridge), FUN (Rice Noodle), MEAN (Wheat Noodle), and FAN (Rice). (The names are foods that are the main staple foods of China.) Despite the best arrangements for SHEUNG, he still gets framed by the corrupted officials from Changsha and is in danger of facing the most torturing punishment. Luckily, MUI and MAN manage to save him in the nick of time with a jade bowl bestowed by the former emperor. To everyone's surprise, the jade bowl turns out a fake, but with MAN's wit and courage, SHEUNG is finally saved from danger. MUI has been through a lot together with SHEUNG and is starting to fall in love with him. SHEUNG, on the other hand, has no feelings for MUI and decides to turn to MAN for tips as to how to break away from her. Mysteriously, SHEUNG starts being pursued by a hitman soon afterwards.

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Sumber-sumber bantuan: Pusat Rujukan Persuratan Melayu.