Rujukan Tokoh_masyarakat

  1. Wise, Richard M. (1 January 1983). "The Athlete as Public Figure in Light of Gertz v. Robert Welch, Inc., or Torts in Sports: The Role of the Cour". Hastings Communications and Entertainment Law Journal. 6 (2): 326.
  2. Fliegel, Rod M. (January 1992). "Newton v. National Broadcasting Co., Inc.: Evidence of Actual Malice, the Editorial Process and the Mafia in Public Figure Defamation Law". Golden Gate University Law Review. 22 (1): 235.
  3. Shiffrin, Steven H. (2006). The First Amendment. St. Paul, MN: Thomson/ West. m/s. 58–60. ISBN 978-0-314-16256-4.