Rujukan Gabenor_Jeneral_Korea

  1. Governor-General of Korea. 統計年報[Statistics Annual Report]
  2. 黄文雄 Kō Bun'yū 歪められた朝鮮総督府 [Distorted facts about Governor-General of Korea](in Japanese).光文社 Kobunsya
  3. The building was completely destroyed during administration of South Korean president Kim Yong-sam on August 15, 1995.
  4. Grajdanzev, Andrew (2007). "The Government of Korea". Modern Korea (edisi 2). Orchard Press. m/s. 238. ISBN 978-1-4067-3825-4
  5. 西岡力 Tsutomu Nishioka 政府は名誉回復の戦いを止めてはならぬ [The Japanese government must not stop demanding the restoration of honour] in Seiron March 2016 (in Japanese).産経新聞社 [Sankei Shimbun Sya]. p.83
