Rujukan Kanada_Hilir

  1. "LABRADOR-CANADA BOUNDARY". marianopolis. 2007. Dicapai 2008-03-20. Labrador Act, 1809. - An imperial act (49 Geo. III, cap. 27), 1809, provided for the re-annexation to Newfoundland of 'such parts of the coast of Labrador from the River St John to Hudson's Streights, and the said Island of Anticosti, and all other smaller islands so annexed to the Government of Newfoundland by the said Proclamation of the seventh day of October one thousand seven hundred and sixty-three (except the said Islands of Madelaine) shall be separated from the said Government of Lower Canada, and be again re-annexed to the Government of Newfoundland.' 
  2. Censuses of Canada. 1665 to 1871, Statistics of Canada, Volume IV, Ottawa, 1876


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