Rujukan Kerajaan_Lama_Mesir

  1. 1 2 "Old Kingdom of Egypt". Ancient History Encyclopedia. Dicapai pada 2017-12-04.
  2. Schneider, Thomas (27 August 2008). "Periodizing Egyptian History: Manetho, Convention, and Beyond". Dalam Klaus-Peter Adam (penyunting). Historiographie in der Antike. Walter de Gruyter. halaman 181–197. ISBN 978-3-11-020672-2.
  3. Malek, Jaromir. 2003. "The Old Kingdom (c. 2686–2160 BC)". In The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt, edited by Ian Shaw. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0192804587, p.83
  4. Carl Roebuck, The World of Ancient Times, pp. 55 & 60.
  5. 1 2 Carl Roebuck, The World of Ancient Times, p. 56.