Rujukan Laissez-faire

  1. Oscar Handlin (1943). "Laissez-Faire thought in Massachusetts, 1790-1880". Journal of Economic History. 3: 55–65. 
  2. Hans-Hermann Hoppe, The Myth of National Defense: Essays on the Theory and History of Security Protection, [[{{{publisher}}}]], 2003.
  3. N. Stephan Kinsella, Against Intellectual Property, [[{{{publisher}}}]], Musim Bunga 2001.
  4. Scott Gordon (1955). "The London Economist and the High Tide of Laissez Faire". Journal of Political Economy. 63 (6): 461–488. 
  5. Antonia Taddei (1999). "London Clubs in the Late Nineteenth Century" (PDF). 
  6. Robert W. Crandall (1987). "The Effects of U.S. Trade Protection for Autos and Steel". Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. 1987 (1): 271–288. 
  7. Pietro S. Nivola (1986). "The New Protectionism: U.S. Trade Policy in Historical Perspective". Political Science Quarterly. 101 (4): 577–600. 
  8. Yergin, Daniel., and Joseph Stanislaw. 1998. The Commanding Heights. Touchstone Book. p 21-22
  9. Friedman, Milton. 1962. Capitalism and Freedom. University of Chicago Press. p 38.
  10. Milton, Capitalism and Freedom, p 45-50.
  11. Milton, Capitalism and Freedom, p 50.
  12. Friedman, Milton. "The Hong Kong Experiment". Hoover Digest. Dicapai 2007-03-29. 
  13. (Ref: 2006-Sept-12: Mingpao Daily)