Rujukan Penjana_cerita

  1. Cook, William Wallace (1928). Plotto. Battle Creek, MI: Ellis Publishing Company. m/s. 314.
  2. Eger, Markus, Colin M. Potts, Camille Barot, and R. Michael Young. 2015. “Plotter: Operationalizing the Master Book of All Plots.” In Eleventh Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference, 30–33. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence.
  3. Hogan, Robert J. (October 1935). "Inside an Author's Brain: The Birth of a Book Length Mystery Novelette". Writer's Digest.
  4. van Hise, James (2002). Pulp Masters. halaman 120–125.
  5. Bringsjord, Selmer; Ferrucci, David A. (2000). Artificial Intelligence and Literary Creativity: Inside the Mind of BRUTUS, a Storytelling Machine. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. halaman 122, 150. ISBN 0-8058-1986-X.
  6. Meehan, James (1981). "TALE-SPIN". Dalam Schank, Roger C.; Riesbeck, Christopher K. (para penyunting). Inside Computer Understanding: Five Programs Plus Miniatures. New Haven, Connecticut: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. m/s. 197. ISBN 0-89859-071-X.
  7. Pérez y Pérez, Rafael (2015). "From MEXICA to MEXICA-Impro: The Evolution of a Computer Model for Plot Generation". Dalam Besold, Tarek Richard; Schorlemmer, Marco; Smaill, Alan (para penyunting). Computational Creativity Research: Towards Creative Machines. Atlantis Press. ISBN 978-94-6239-084-3.
  8. Lönneker, Birte; Meister, Jan Christoph; Gervás, Pablo; Peinado, Federico; Mateas, Michael (June 2005). "Story Generators: Models and Approaches for the Generation of Literary Artefacts". Joint Conference of the Association for Computers and the Humanities/Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing. University of Victoria.
  9. Gervás, Pablo. "Story Generator Algorithms". The living book of narratology. Dicapai pada 12 October 2017.