Rujukan Perbezaan_(falsafah)

  1. Kant, Immanuel (1855) [1781]. Critique of Pure Reason. Trans. by J. M. D. Meiklejohn. London: Henry G. Bohn. m/s. 191.
  2. Saussure, Ferdinand de (1959) [1916]. Course in General Linguistics. New York: New York Philosophical Library. m/s. 121–22.
  3. Lévi-Strauss, Claude (1963) [1958]. Structural Anthropology. London: Allen Lane.
  4. Lévi-Strauss, Claude (1970) [1964]. The Raw and the Cooked. London: Cape.
  5. Derrida, Jacques (1976) [1967]. Of Grammatology. Johns Hopkins University Press.
  6. 1 2 3 Derrida, Jacques (1982) [1972]. Margins of Philosophy. University of Chicago Press. m/s. 3–27.
  7. Derrida, Jacques (1978) [1967]. Writing and Difference. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
  8. "Differential Ontology" at the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  9. Douglas L. Donkel, The Theory of Difference: Readings in Contemporary Continental Thought, SUNY Press, 2001, p. 295.