Rujukan Permaisuri_Munjeong

  1. 김재영, 조선의 인물 뒤집어 읽기 (도서출판 삼인, 1999) 79페이지
  2. 《조선왕 독살사건》/이덕일 저/다산글방.
  3. 김재영, 조선의 인물 뒤집어 읽기 (도서출판 삼인, 1999) 80페이지
  4. According to the chronicles the spirit is supposedly Injong, screaming with grief at the woman who could never be a mother to him even in death.
  5. A prominent Seon (Chinese: Chan; Japanese: Zen) Buddhist temple, in Yangju, Gyeonggi Province.
  7. The engraved golden painting's provenance at the bottom of the painting still exists.
  8. Buddhist art is rare as the state ideal was Neo-Confucianism.