Rujukan Senarai_raja_Perancis


  1. Sullivan, William. Historical causes and effects, from the fall of the Roman empire, 476, to the reformation, 1517. p. 213.Grimshaw, William. The history of France from the foundation of the monarchy to the death of Louis XVI. p. 11
  2. Claudio Rendina & Paul McCusker, The Popes: Histories and Secrets, (New York : 2002), p. 145.
  3. Deploige, Jeroen; Deneckere, Gita, para penyunting (2006). Mystifying the Monarch: Studies on Discourse, Power, and History. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Amsterdam University Press. m/s. 182. ISBN 9789053567678


  • Hansen, M.H., penyunting (1967). Kings, Rulers, and Statesmen. NY, USA: Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. m/s. 103–107. [sumber tak boleh dipercayai?]

Templat:Kings of france