Rujukan Rodensia

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  2. "Rodents: Gnawing Animals" (HTML). Dicapai 2007-11-03. 
  3. Meerburg BG, Singleton GR, Leirs H (2009). "The Year of the Rat ends: time to fight hunger!". Pest Manag Sci. 65 (4): 351–2. doi:10.1002/ps.1718. PMID 19206089. Selenggaraan CS1: Pelbagai nama: senarai pengarang (link)
  4. Meerburg BG, Singleton GR, Kijlstra A (2009). "Rodent-borne diseases and their risks for public health". Crit Rev Microbiol. 35 (3): 221–70. doi:10.1080/10408410902989837. PMID 19548807. Selenggaraan CS1: Pelbagai nama: senarai pengarang (link)
  5. Myers, Phil (2000). "Rodentia". Animal Diversity Web. University of Michigan Museum of Zoology. Dicapai 2006-05-25. 
  6. Capybaras (Hydrochaeridae): Information and Much More from
  7. Millien, Virginie (2008). "The largest among the smallest: the body mass of the giant rodent Josephoartigasia monesi". Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 1 (1646): –1. doi:10.1098/rspb.2008.0087. PMC 2596365 . PMID 18495621. Dicapai 2008-05-27.  Parameter |month= tidak diketahui diabaikan (bantuan)
  8. Rinderknecht, Andrés (2008). "The largest fossil rodent" (pdf). Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 275 (1637): 923–928. doi:10.1098/rspb.2007.1645. PMC 2599941 . PMID 18198140. Dicapai 2008-05-27.  Parameter |month= tidak diketahui diabaikan (bantuan); Parameter |coauthors= tidak diketahui diabaikan (guna |author=) (bantuan)
  9. Pearsall, J., penyunting (2002). The Concise Oxford English Dictionary, 10th ed. rev. Oxford: Oxford University Press. m/s. 1,239. ISBN 0-19-860572-2
  10. Wines, Michael (2004-05-19). "Gambian rodents risk death for bananas". The Age. The Age Company Ltd. Dicapai 2006-05-25. 
  11. Douzery, E.J.P., F. Delsuc, M.J. Stanhope, and D. Huchon (2003). "Local molecular clocks in three nuclear genes: divergence times for rodents and other mammals and incompatibility among fossil calibrations". Journal of Molecular Evolution. 57: S201. doi:10.1007/s00239-003-0028-x. PMID 15008417. Selenggaraan CS1: Pelbagai nama: senarai pengarang (link)
  12. Horner, D.S., K. Lefkimmiatis, A. Reyes, C. Gissi, C. Saccone, and G. Pesole (2007). "Phylogenetic analyses of complete mitochondrial genome sequences suggest a basal divergence of the enigmatic rodent Anomalurus". BMC Evolutionary Biology. 7: 16. doi:10.1186/1471-2148-7-16. PMC 1802082 . PMID 17288612. Selenggaraan CS1: Pelbagai nama: senarai pengarang (link)


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