Rujukan Rudyard_Kipling

  1. Pinney, Thomas (September 2004). H. C. G. Matthew and Brian Harrison (penyunting). ‘Kipling, (Joseph) Rudyard (1865–1936)’. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press.
  2. 1 2 3 Rutherford, Andrew (1987). General Preface to the Editions of Rudyard Kipling, in "Puck of Pook's Hill and Rewards and Fairies", oleh Rudyard Kipling. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-282575-5
  3. Rutherford, Andrew (1987). Introduction to the Oxford World's Classics edition of "Plain Tales from the Hills", by Rudyard Kipling. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-281652-7
  4. James Joyce considered Tolstoy, Kipling dan D'Annunzio to be the "three writers of the nineteenth century who had the greatest natural talents", but that "he did not fulfill that promise". He also noted that the three writers all "had semi-fanatic ideas about religion, or about patriotism." Diary of David Fleischman, 21 Julai 1938, dipetik dalam James Joyce oleh Richard Ellmann, ms. 661, Oxford University Press (1983) ISBN 0-19-281465-6
  5. Alfred Nobel Foundation. "Who is the youngest ever to receive a Nobel Prize, and who is the oldest?". m/s. 409. Dicapai pada 2006-09-30.
  6. Orwell, George (2006-09-30). "Essay on Kipling". Dicapai pada 2006-09-30.
  7. Lewis, Lisa. 1995. Introduction to the Oxford World's Classics edition of "Just So Stories", by Rudyard Kipling. Oxford University Press. pp.xv-xlii. ISBN 0-19-282276-4
  8. Quigley, Isabel. 1987. Introduction to the Oxford World's Classics edition of "The Complete Stalky & Co.", by Rudyard Kipling. Oxford University Press. pp.xiii-xxviii. ISBN 0-19-281660-8
  9. Said, Edward. 1993. Culture and Imperialism. London: Chatto & Windus. Page 196. ISBN 0-679-75054-1.
  10. Sandison, Alan. 1987. Introduction to the Oxford World's Classics edition of Kim, by Rudyard Kipling. Oxford University Press. pp. xiii–xxx. ISBN 0-19-281674-8.
  11. Douglas Kerr, University of Hong Kong. "Rudyard Kipling." The Literary Encyclopedia. 30 May. 2002. The Literary Dictionary Company. 26 September 2006.