Rujukan Gluten

  1. Food and Drug Administration (January 2007). "Food Labeling ; Gluten-Free Labeling of Foods" (PDF). 
  2. Biesiekierski JR (2017). "What is gluten?". J Gastroenterol Hepatol (Review). 32 Suppl 1: 78–81. doi:10.1111/jgh.13703. PMID 28244676. Similar proteins to the gliadin found in wheat exist as secalin in rye, hordein in barley, and avenins in oats and are collectively referred to as “gluten.” The gluten found in all of these grains has been identified as the component capable of triggering the immune-mediated disorder, coeliac disease. 
  3. "Cereal-based gluten-free food: how to reconcile nutritional and technological properties of wheat proteins with safety for celiac disease patients". Nutrients (Review). 6 (2): 575–90. Jan 29, 2014. doi:10.3390/nu6020575. PMC 3942718 . PMID 24481131. the distinctive feature that makes wheat unique is, precisely, the visco-elasticity of gluten. When the grain is milled and mixed with water, storage proteins form a dough, capable of retaining gas bubbles. These properties make wheat suitable for the preparation of a great diversity of food products 
  4. "Gluten-free diet in children: an approach to a nutritionally adequate and balanced diet". Nutrients (Review). 5 (11): 4553–65. Nov 18, 2013. doi:10.3390/nu5114553. PMC 3847748 . PMID 24253052
  5. "Pure Oats as Part of the Canadian Gluten-Free Diet in Celiac Disease: The Need to Revisit the Issue". Can J Gastroenterol Hepatol (Review). 2016: 1576360. 2016. doi:10.1155/2016/1576360. PMC 4904650 . PMID 27446824
  6. "Role of oats in celiac disease". World J Gastroenterol. 21 (41): 11825–31. Nov 7, 2015. doi:10.3748/wjg.v21.i41.11825. PMC 4631980 . PMID 26557006. It is necessary to consider that oats include many varieties, containing various amino acid sequences and showing different immunoreactivities associated with toxic prolamins. As a result, several studies have shown that the immunogenicity of oats varies depending on the cultivar consumed. Thus, it is essential to thoroughly study the variety of oats used in a food ingredient before including it in a gluten-free diet. 
  7. "Gluten's role in bread baking performance". Canadian Grain Commission. 29 March 2016. 
  8. Bates, Dorothy, R.; Wingate, Colby. 1993.
  9. Abramowski, Nicole (11 March 2011). "How to Make Seitan: An Illustrated Guide". Vegan Nom Noms. Dicapai 8 December 2014. 
  10. Humbert P; Pelletier F; Dreno B; Puzenat E; Aubin F (2006). "Gluten intolerance and skin diseases". Eur J Dermatol. 16 (1): 4–11. PMID 16436335